Linguistic repertoire gumperz
Linguistic repertoire gumperz

linguistic repertoire gumperz

To begin, we understand that the dynamics of immigration have changed as a consequence of new social, technological, and political developments over the last forty years (Blommaert, 2010 Arnaut, 2016). Our study analyzes the complex family language policies of three transnational families within the context of MexicanU.S. Although we studied these children as a starting point in previous work (Herrera Ruano et al., 2021), in this paper we expand our focus to the families. school system (Valdes, 2020) and their integration or reintegration into the Mexican context (Kleyn, 2017 Zuñiga & Giorguli, 2019 Zuñiga & Hamman, 2019). Recent research has examined these children’s experiences in the U.S. The children in these families can be broadly grouped into two categories: those who were born in Mexico, and those who were born in the United States (Zuñiga & Giorguli, 2019). Return migration describes migrants “going home” to their country of origin, a phenomenon that is common in migration situations, but that is now happening on a greater scale, especially between the United States and Mexico (Mar-Molinero, 2018). Over the last twenty years, the dynamic of Mexican–American immigration has highlighted a growing demographic in Mexico: families with lived experiences in both countries, usually identified as return migrant families. Keywords: transnational families, family language policy, linguistic trajectory, linguistic repertoire. Également, nos résultats montrent que la trajectoire linguistique de chaque enfant contribue au dynamisme de la politique linguistique familiale, autant du pays d’origine que dans le pays d’accueil, et, en plus, tout comme chaque répertoire serait une construction subjective et changeante de l’individu ainsi que le résultat de ses expériences, la politique linguistique familiale est également une construction complexe et dynamique qui tient des expériences de chaque membre de la famille. Nos résultats soulignent le rôle des enfants transnationales dans la configuration et la reconfiguration de la politique linguistique familiale. La présente étude a utilisé des autobiographies linguistiques et des entretiens semi-structurés pour recueillir les perceptions sur la politique linguistique familiale et le développement du répertoire linguistique. En suivant l’arc du développement du répertoire de chaque membre de la famille, nous avons examiné la relation entre la politique linguistique familiale et le développement des répertoires linguistiques individuels. Notre étude analyse la politique linguistique de trois familles transnationales dans le contexte de l’immigration et le retour Mexique–États-Unis. La situation politique et économique des États-Unis et du Mexique a contribué aux nouvelles vagues de familles transnationales qui retournent à leur lieu d’origine, dont les expériences dans les deux pays ont créé une réalité complexe de langage familial. The family language policy is a complex and dynamic construct subject to the experiences of each member of the family. These cases illustrate that an individual’s linguistic repertoire is a subjective and changing construction of the individual and a result of one’s life experiences. They show how each child’s linguistic trajectory contributes to the dynamism of family language policy in both the home and host countries.

linguistic repertoire gumperz

Our findings highlight the role of transnational children’s experiences in shaping and reconfiguring family language policy.

linguistic repertoire gumperz

The present study used linguistic autobiographies and semi-structured interviews to gather perceptions of family language policy and repertoire development. Following the arc of each family member’s repertoire development, we examine the relationship between family language policy and individual linguistic repertoires. Our study analyzes the family language policies of three transnational families within the context of Mexican–US immigration and return migration. The political and economic situation of the United States and Mexico has contributed to new waves of transnational families whose lived experiences in both countries have created a complex family language reality. Zepeda Huerta, Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit Jesahe Herrera Ruano, Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit

Linguistic repertoire gumperz